Monday, 24 June 2013

Tak Mampu Sendiri

Ask your heart because it never say something wrong :)

Heart: The journey of life start from believe...

Mind: What kind of believe? I don't get it.

Heart: Sokay, just read the story first ^^

Satu pagi...

Si A: Engkau ni kenapa?

Si B: Tak ada apa-apa. Cuma tak sihat saja. (Muka lesu dan tidak bersemangat)

Si A: Engkau kalau ada masalah cubalah share.

Si B: Share?! (Berang) Nak share dengan siapa? Engkau senanglah cakap sebab engkau ada mak ayah, adik-beradik. Tapi aku cuma ada seorang adik saja. Itupun Allah nak ambil dari aku. Allah memang tak nak aku ada apa-apa ke? (Sayu)

Si A: Engkau janganlah cakap macam tu.

Si B: Aku tak kacau siapa2 pun. Banyak lagi orang jahat kat luar sana. Bahagia dengan keluarga mereka. Kenapa Allah tak ambil nyawa keluarga mereka? Kenapa aku?

Si A: Engkau tahu tak Nabi Muhammad ada siapa?

Si B: (Geleng)

Si A: Tak ada sesiapa tau.

Si B: Tapi dia ada ayah saudara.

Si A: Tapi ayah saudara dia tak masuk islam. Temankan Nabi pun sekejap saja.

Si B: Tapi dia ada isteri.

Si A: Ya, tapi bukan dalam umur engkau ni.

Si B: Tapi dia nabi, mana sama dengan aku.

Si A: Memanglah tak sama tapi nabi lagi tak ada apa-apa kalau nak dibandingkan dengan engkau.

Si B: Tapi aku tak boleh hidup seorang macam ni... (Sebak)

Si A: Memanglah engkau tak boleh hidup seorang diri selagi engkau tak bergantung pada yang tak mati.

Si B: (Diam.Lama...)

The 'ibrah' (lesson) from this conversation, we can defined that we have to realise in our journey of life there are many obstacles that we have to face it. In our way to our real destination, the most important thing , we have to depend to Allah.

That's so true. Sometimes we are depending to something that we love the most in our life.Maybe, human being or anything in this ocean of world. Something not eternal. Then, when the person or thing disappear, we become lost hope. And that time, we regret and upset. And we have decided in ourself do not put any hope after what happened to us.

We forgot that we have Allah. Rightful owner of our heart and our soul. If we put trust, believe and depend only for Allah, we never be broken as we have Allah the Almighty. Allah never die. He is The One. Eternal.

So, just trust in Him because He knows what is the best for all His servants. AllahuAkbar!

*Thanks to inspirational video: Rokok dan Kopiah by MatLutfi :)

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